May 2021 and the IRARA Roadmap

It’s been a long hard road over the last 18 months, particularly so for some of us who have been hit hard by the Covid pandemic, but it is now beginning to look as though there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

IRARA have been busy trying to keep things as normal as possible, but obviously the social calendar has been decimated and even the AGM and committee meetings have difficult. Zoom has provided the means to stay in touch, but it remains very much a second rate alternative to real live discussion and social contact.

We have been able to carry on organising some ongoing tasks like (socially distanced) litter picks and preparation for the street light renovation programme, which we hope will start soon, but the Covid restrictions have curbed most of our activities up to now.

However, things are looking up, with two big announcements to make:

1: IRARA 2021 Street Sale

In accordance with Government guidelines, we will be able to hold a 2021 street sale on Saturday June 27th, where you will be able to flog off all that lockdown fitness gear which you bought and no longer need! But seriously, it will be good to see people out and about and getting back in touch with the community.

2: The Irvine Road Community Orchard

We can now announce that the long awaited Irvine Road Community Orchard (IRCO) is officially a reality. Those of you who have been following this saga over the past 20 years will be only too aware of how much effort has had to go into this achievement and, although we didn’t manage to get our hands on the entire orchard, we have managed to save the majority of it as a community orchard and Local Wildlife site.

As a result, the trustees of the new Community Orchard are organising an open day to coincide with the IRARA street sale on Sunday 27th of June. This will provide local residents (or anyone who is interested) to have a look around and see what all the fuss is about. Obviously, because of ongoing government restrictions (and to minimise environmental damage) numbers will need to be controlled, but we hope everyone who wants to look around will be able to do so.

Overall, access to the orchard has to be limited and carefully controlled to avoid defeating the object of maintaining and improving it as a wildlife sanctuary, however there will be opportunities throughout the season to visit and harvest fruit once the new trees are established. If you are interested to know more and want to keep up to date, check out the Facebook page at Road Community Orchard or visit the IRCO page on this website.

The orchard is an important stag beetle habitat.

A most important part of the Orchard’s development will be to preserve it for future generations, which will mean raising the funds to buy rather than lease it. If you are interested in helping out, or would just like to make a donation, get in touch or visit the IRCO Local Giving page to find out more.