IRARA AGM – highlights

The 2018 IRARA AGM was again well attended and although the new Community Orchard was the main talking point, several other issues were resolved, among them an amendment to the constitution to formally allow associate members from outside the principal IRARA catchment area. It has long been obvious to us that a lot of people living outside the immediate area share our aims of improving local amenities, preserving our open spaces and helping to keep the neighbourhood a nice place to live, but until now they have not been able to join us.

Now anyone can be an associate IRARA member. You won’t be able to vote at the AGM, but other than that you can enjoy all the other benefits of membership.

For full details of the issues discussed at the AGM, read the minutes:

AGM Oct 18 minutes ST

Read the amended constitution:

IRARA constitution_2018-1